/* * This utility looks up the moves and their scores in a Polyglot book * * Usage: * pg_show " * * You can find the hex key of a FEN using pg_key. * * This code is released in the public domain by Michel Van den Bergh. * */ #include #include typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned int uint32; #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; #else typedef unsigned long long int uint64; #endif typedef struct { uint64 key; uint16 move; uint16 weight; uint16 score; // @ed uint8 depth; // @ed uint8 learn; // @ed } entry_t; entry_t entry_none = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char *promote_pieces=" nbrq"; #define MAX_MOVES 100 int int_from_file(FILE *f, int l, uint64 *r){ int i,c; for(i=0;ikey=r; ret=int_from_file(f,2,&r); if(ret) return 1; entry->move=r; ret=int_from_file(f,2,&r); if(ret) return 1; entry->weight=r; ret=int_from_file(f,2,&r); // @ed if(ret) return 1; // @ed entry->score=r; // @ed ret=int_from_file(f,1,&r); // @ed if(ret) return 1; // @ed entry->depth=r; // @ed ret=int_from_file(f,1,&r); // @ed if(ret) return 1; // @ed entry->learn=r; // @ed return 0; } int find_key(FILE *f, uint64 key, entry_t *entry){ int first, last, middle; entry_t first_entry=entry_none, last_entry,middle_entry; first=-1; if(fseek(f,-16,SEEK_END)){ *entry=entry_none; entry->key=key+1; //hack return -1; } last=ftell(f)/16; entry_from_file(f,&last_entry); while(1){ if(last-first==1){ *entry=last_entry; return last; } middle=(first+last)/2; fseek(f,16*middle,SEEK_SET); entry_from_file(f,&middle_entry); if(key<=middle_entry.key){ last=middle; last_entry=middle_entry; }else{ first=middle; first_entry=middle_entry; } } } void move_to_string(char move_s[6], uint16 move){ int f,fr,ff,t,tr,tf,p; f=(move>>6)&077; fr=(f>>3)&0x7; ff=f&0x7; t=move&077; tr=(t>>3)&0x7; tf=t&0x7; p=(move>>12)&0x7; move_s[0]=ff+'a'; move_s[1]=fr+'1'; move_s[2]=tf+'a'; move_s[3]=tr+'1'; if(p){ move_s[4]=promote_pieces[p]; move_s[5]='\0'; }else{ move_s[4]='\0'; } if(!strcmp(move_s,"e1h1")){ strcpy(move_s,"e1g1"); }else if(!strcmp(move_s,"e1a1")){ strcpy(move_s,"e1c1"); }else if(!strcmp(move_s,"e8h8")){ strcpy(move_s,"e8g8"); }else if(!strcmp(move_s,"e8a8")){ strcpy(move_s,"e8c8"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE *f; entry_t entry; int offset; char *file_name; uint64 key; entry_t entries[MAX_MOVES]; int count=0; int ret, i; char move_s[6]; int total_weight; if(argc<=2){ printf("Usage: pg_show \n"); return 1; } file_name=argv[1]; #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf(argv[2],"%16I64x",&key); #else sscanf(argv[2],"%16llx",&key); #endif f=fopen(file_name,"rb"); if(!f){ perror(file_name); return 1; } offset=find_key(f,key,&entry); if(entry.key!=key){ #ifdef _MSC_VER printf("%016I64x: No such key\n",key); #else printf("%016llx: No such key\n",key); #endif return 1; } entries[0]=entry; count=1; fseek(f,16*(offset+1),SEEK_SET); while(1){ ret=entry_from_file(f,&entry); if(ret){ break; } if(entry.key!=key){ break; } if(count==MAX_MOVES){ printf("Too many moves in this position (max=%d)\n",MAX_MOVES); return 1; } entries[count++]=entry; } total_weight=0; for(i=0;i